Warning… Warning… Danger Will Robinson, danger. Meet Isabella everyone who’s a girl from BOSTON and gets her accent from her grandmaaaaaa a little she explains and right off the bat the interview feels like those Boston Lager ‘My cousin, from Boston’ commercials because Tyler Nixon had only asked Isabella her name and she snapped back in her slightly heavy Boston accent, “No I’m not nervous, I’m excited kinda and tired of talking to the camera so lets just get to the action hu?!’ Isabella and My cousin from Boston have to be related and then she further goes on to explain that she gets all her sass from herself and her mental issues. Now normally these types of girl are fun in bed but guys you have to maintain strict protocol and procedures in order to effectively and safely retreate after said fun rollercoaster type crazy sex concludes. Those procedures are as follows: #1) Never tell a girl like this your real name.
Isabella (My Cousin…. From Boston) – ExploitedCollegeGirls
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